Who needs this request?
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires this statement from the employees who have previously charged a colleague, a boss or a subordinate of discrimination in any possible way. Regardless, if it was discrimination based on age, disability, sex, race, religion, a matter of equal compensation, or sexual harassment, an aggrieved party can file this application to withdraw the charges.
What is this request for?
This a request for withdrawal of charges of discrimination. The EEOC keeps track of such charges, oversees investigation and provides legal and psychological help. This document is requested as an evidence that the case has been solved by the agreement of both parties.
Is it accompanied by other forms?
This form is sent together with the letter where the same information must be included. The Commission requires both the form and letter in order to avoid fraudulent statements and verify the information given in the official form.
When is this request due?
An aggrieved party should file this request before the final decision upon the case has been made.
How do I fill out a request for withdrawal of charge of discrimination?
You need to put a charge number and the date on top of the form. Write the names of the person who pressed charges and the names of the respondents. After that the aggrieved party must write a statement to explain the reason for filing this request. This should be a brief statement, followed by a more detailed letter on another sheet of paper.
Where do I send it?
Send it to the person who is responsible for the case investigation at the EEOC.